Assistance with Acute and Chronic Pain

acute and chronic pain visit Pennant Hills Chiropractic

Acute and Chronic Pain

Chiropractic treatment is sought by patients for acute or new pain, and for pain that has been longstanding or chronic.

Obviously chronic pain has been there for a long time, over 3 months, and as such will generally take longer to fix than a new pain. For quicker results, don’t wait for the pain to become chronic, call Pennant Hills Chiropractic and start the healing today! No referral is necessary.

How can Pennant Hills Chiropractic help with your acute or chronic pain?

The value of chiropractic treatment of back pain and other musculoskeletal problems has been studied more than any other aspect. Pennant Hills chiropractic spinal adjustment is useful for relieving acute low back pain. The earlier you start the better the outcome.

All the chiropractors at Pennant Hills Chiropractic are trained to make sure your body is functioning as optimally as possible by using spinal manipulations to relieve pain in your joints and muscles. These spinal adjustments will increase blood flow and nerve conductivity to the joints and muscles that are experiencing pain.

One of the most obvious signs that a chiropractic visit is needed is if you are experiencing chronic back pain. There are multiple factors that can contribute to back pain, such as posture, how long you’re on your feet each day, and the type of work that you do.

Pennant Hills Chiropractic doctors can provide you with pain relief without the need for invasive surgery or ongoing drug treatment.

How we can help

Pennant Hills Chiropractic uses a variety of adjustments and techniques to suit the individual needs of its patients.

  • manual adjustments (in which a ‘popping’ sound may be heard)

  • non manual or low force adjustments (no ‘popping’ sound)

  • soft tissue therapy

  • muscle techniques (post isometric relaxation, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, active release technique)

  • postural, exercise and ergonomic training

  • dry needling

  • muscle taping

  • kinesiology

Monday: 8am-8pm

Tuesday: 8am-5pm

Wednesday: 1pm-7pm

Thursday: 8am-9pm

Friday: 8am-1pm

9980 9000

Suite 8
4-10 Hillcrest Rd,
Pennant Hills NSW 2120